• All patients will be screened over the phone prior to their appointment and upon arrival to see if anyone in the household has had a fever, cough, COVID-19 related symptoms, or have been in contact with a confirmed case. If so, those patients we will reschedule for at least 14 days later.

  • We are limiting the number of patients that we are scheduling and staggering appointments, minimizing the number of people in the office so we can do our best to comply with social distancing and to give our team time to disinfect between patients thoroughly.

  • Please keep this in mind when you are scheduling an appointment as the availability will be more limited than normal.

  • Please do not bring anyone with you that is not absolutely necessary. Anyone else will be asked to wait outside the office.

  • All patients must arrive at the office wearing a mask or face covering. It is imperative that you arrive at the office wearing your own, or you will not be allowed to enter the office.

  • The temperature of every patient will be taken and recorded as soon as they come into the office.

  • Patients will be required to rinse with hydrogen peroxide before appointments and wash their hands or use hand sanitizer when arriving at the office.

As a team, we are also taking extra safety precautions, including the following:

  • Staff screening: All staff will have their temperature taken daily when they arrive at the office. Staff is required to stay home if they have been in contact with any confirmed COVID-19 cases or if they have a fever, cough, or COVID symptoms.

  • Defoggers: All rooms are defogged before and after patient appointments.

  • Digital Check-In: We have eliminated any paper check-in processes to reduce risk of surface transmission.

  • Extra PPE (personal protective equipment): All team members will wear a face mask at all times. Clinical team members will wear additional PPE, including N95 mask or Level 3 mask, face shield, and disposable gowns during aerosol producing procedures.

  • After every patient, the office will be thoroughly sanitized. High touch surfaces such as door handles will be repeatedly sanitized throughout the day as well as after every patient encounter.

  • All team members will practice more frequent hand washing.